Guess what?
For the second year in a row, President Trump has proposed slashing funding to the United Nations and its agencies.
It's pretty unbelievable that President Trump—who should know a good deal when he sees one—continues to try to mess up a great bargain for Americans: The United Nations. Please join me and send a quick note to U.S. leaders saying you stand with the UN.
The average American pays just $1.86 each year in taxes to cover the United States' regular budget dues to the UN. In return, the UN helps the U.S. stay:
President Trump may disagree, but I think it's a good deal to spend $1.86 so the UN can do its important work…like providing food and assistance to 80 million people, supplying vaccines to nearly half of the world's children, assisting 65.3 million refugees, and so much more.
Over the coming weeks, Congress will debate the budget in Washington, D.C., and it's ultimately up to them to decide how much U.S. funding goes to the UN.
I just sent a quick letter to my elected leaders saying I disagree with the President's budget and urging them to fully fund the UN. Will you send one too?
Thanks for continuing to speak out and stand up for the UN.
In solidarity,
RJ Johnson
Vice Chair, UNA-USA National Council