Iowa United Nations Association
Helping the United Nations build a better world
Iowa UNA College Ambassadors: Human Rights Day 2022

The Iowa United Nations Association at a Glance
The Iowa United Nations Association is committed to doing our part to make the world a better place for all. We educate Iowans about global issues. We meet with members of Iowa's congressional delegation to advocate for support for the UN and for constructive U.S. global engagement. We advocate in support of United Nations priorities on human rights, refugee issues, sustainable development, climate action, and gender equity. We raise money to support UN initiatives and humanitarian work. We work together with Iowans to advance the United Nations and its core values in our local communities, nationally, and globally.
Reinforcing our Commitment
Becoming informed is the first and most important step to helping realize change in our local and global community.
Learn about the Iowa UNA, what we do to keep communities across Iowa informed, and why what we're doing here in Iowa is so important for our planet, and the human rights and well- being of people across the globe.
Advocacy in Iowa and Beyond
The Iowa UNA Advocacy Committee coordinates our advocacy activities in support of UN initiatives and priorities.
Through communications with members of the Iowa congressional delegation, our Advocacy Newsletter, opinion pieces, letters to the editor, blogs, and digital advocacy, the committee advances our mission to serve as a platform for connecting people, ideas, and resources to to build support for the UN throughout Iowa and beyond.
"What profits a nation if its people suffer?
What profits the world if peace suffers?"
The Honorable Teta Banks

One Step at a Time
The Iowa UNA depends on the generosity of members and donors to be able to do our job of keeping the people of Iowa informed about what the UN does for them and advocating for UN initiatives and priorities.
In addition to supporting our education and advocacy, your generous donations also go toward supporting international humanitarian efforts, supporting refugees in our local communities, and hosting events.